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During last Friday night’s Trump Parade in Jackson, Minnesota, we talked with Minnesotans about their governor — Tim Walz. The Democrat nominee for Vice President has some political roots in the area as he represented the voters in the U.S. House of Representatives.

But Tim Walz didn’t start out as the radical Leftist governor he has grown into.

According to Richard Koch, who is a member of the local Republicans, Walz ran like he was a conservative prior to becoming a congressman.

“But when he actually went out to Washington, he didn’t vote that way,” Koch said. “And then all of a sudden he saw an opportunity to advance his cause for being a governor and, once again, he said he was running on ‘One Minnesota.’ But when he got in there and then the Democrats took over the State House and the State Senate, none of the things he campaigned on really came to be.

“All these other radical things came forward and he said, ‘I don’t know. If they put it on my desk I’ll sign it, but it’s not my idea.'”

Suddenly, all sorts of “pretty radical ideas” crossed Walz’s desk and inevitably received his approval.

“This is a conservative part of the state,” Koch said. “Walz literally called us rocks and cows. That’s kind of a demeaning thing. And we didn’t appreciate that and we don’t like it and we don’t like him.”

The final straw was how Walz handled the protests following the George Floyd incident.

“He basically let Minneapolis burn up there and he didn’t do anything about it,” Koch said. “We’re disappointed a lot with how he is doing things. And now when I see him campaigning I am thinking the country needs to know about this.”

While Koch admitted he is “very biased,” he said he can’t imagine there is any aspect of life that Walz has improved for the people of Minnesota.

“The abortion issue, basically, a baby can be born and if the mother decides that she wants an abortion the baby just is allowed to die,” Koch said. “And that’s a true fact. Our legislators from here did everything they could to prevent things like that from happening but the Democrats wouldn’t even allow them to do any amendments to different bills. On the last day of session, they did an omnibus bill that was literally hundreds of pages and that got presented to the floor. Nobody had a chance to read it. The Democrats voted for it and it had all these things that were just totally against the rural part of the state.”

Allyn Holo, who organized the Trump Parade on Friday night, said called Walz a “maniac” due to the way he handled COVID.

“He was terrible,” Holo said. “Town like this — they weren’t surviving. We were doing everything we could as residents of the town to support our local businesses when they could open. We’d get food off the curb. Then the whole George Floyd thing — I will not spend another dollar north of I-90. It’s crazy.”

Author: Jacob Hall


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