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Live Action, one of the nation’s leading human rights organizations, announces that its president and founder, Lila Rose, will speak at the National March for Life on Friday, January 24, 2025, in Washington, D.C. Rose will speak alongside other impactful pro-life leaders such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and world-renowned professional surfer Bethany Hamilton.


Rose said the following about the event:

“Abortion killed over one million babies last year in the United States alone. This human rights crisis is catastrophic and demands immediate action. The March for Life is an unshakable declaration of a fundamental truth: every single human being, from the moment of fertilization, has the right to live. 

We march because justice demands it, and love compels it. We will fight every day until every person—born and preborn—is granted full and equal protection under the law. Our nation must recognize the humanity of preborn children in the womb and protect those children from death at the hands of the abortion industry. Abortion dismembers or starves a child, and on January 24th, I will join tens of thousands of Americans in telling Congress, the president, and the Supreme Court that abortion must be abolished entirely.

Join me at the March for Life to demand protection for our youngest children and to stand boldly for the dignity of every human life.”

The event starts at 11 a.m., close to the National Mall, and features musical performances on the main stage. At Noon, attendees will listen to speeches from Rose and other courageous pro-life advocates before the March begins at 1 p.m. and ends at the Capitol building.

On Saturday, January 25th, Rose will keynote the 26th Annual Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life, the nation’s largest student-run, pro-life event, held at Georgetown University. There, she will inspire students to defend innocent human life from the moment of fertilization.

Author: Press Release


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