The New York Supreme Court struck down the New York City law which gave noncitizens the right to vote in municipal elections. Only citizens can vote under the state’s constitution and statutory law, the court ruled.
There’s other good news on this subject, lately. Arizona passed a law requiring its Secretary of State to ask the federal Election Assistance Commission to include citizenship on the federal voter registration form for the state. The new law also requires county officials to check voter rolls against several databases to ensure residency and citizenship. Texas restarted its program to ask registered voters to confirm their citizenship last December. By January, 12,000 potential noncitizens on the rolls had been identified and 2,000 had been removed. A citizenship audit in Georgia led to the investigation of 1,600 noncitizens for unlawfully attempting to register to vote. A proposed constitutional amendment to ban noncitizen voting in Ohio passed the legislature and will be put to the voters on the November ballot.
Now for the bad news. Noncitizens voted in the San Francisco school board recall election in February. Two cities in Vermont approved noncitizen voting and the issue goes to the Burlington city council for the third time.
The Left just won’t quit on this. Some have speculated the reason is the Democrats are opening the borders in order to turn hordes of illegal aliens into faithful Democrat voters, thereby creating a permanent political majority for the Democrats.
I don’t need to speculate about motive. The facts are bad enough. Noncitizen voting dilutes the votes of citizens and normalizes illegal immigration. It also attacks the idea of U.S. citizenship, the argument being nobody should aspire to be a citizen of such a horrible rotten country. So there you have it. Open borders policies, removing the citizenship question from the census, and noncitizen voting make sense only if you hate America and you’re trying to destroy it. You may want to accommodate noncitizens and bend over backwards to make them feel good, but you can’t tell me why noncitizen voting is good for us citizens. That’s your burden, to convince me noncitizen voting is good for us. That’s the issue as I see it. Otherwise, I’m not interested.
The value of American citizenship – it’s like that old Joni Mitchell song, “you don’t know what you’ve got Till it’s gone.” Thank your lucky stars you’re an American citizen or can follow a legal process to become one. American citizenship makes life better in so many ways. Stop taking it for granted. You might think about that when you’re enjoying your 4th of July weekend.
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