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The Alliance Defending Freedom published an article written by Sarah Kramer on July 29. Kramer wrote about her experience as an NCAA Division II athlete.

The headline of the story — “Why more than 300 female athletes signed a letter to the NCAA.”

Kramer wrote about the important role her participation on the swim team provided through her collegiate career.

“And I’m not the only woman who has benefitted from the opportunity to participate in athletics,” she wrote. “Research shows that girls who participate in organized sports are happier and healthier. They’re also more likely to achieve higher grades and have successful careers. Don’t believe me? Just ask the over 96 percent of high-ranked female executives who participated in competitive sports.”

She then touches on the issue threatening the future of women sports — allowing men to compete with women. Policies that allow males who “identify” as women to compete against actual women.

“The result?” she wrote. “Deserving women and girls are being displaced from their teams, bumped off medal podiums and erased from the record books by male athletes.”

It shouldn’t be happening, but it is. It shouldn’t even be a debate, but it is.

There’s actually a political party in America that doesn’t see the problem of allowing men to compete against women.

You can read Kramer’s full piece here.

For those who want to show support for the female athletes, feel free to sign the petition here.


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