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During Friday’s event in Des Moines – The FAMiLY Leadership Summit – Blaze TV host and author Steve Deace talked about what he has coined as “the Spirit of the Age.”

He said that, at first, COVID would prove to be an outlier. But as time went on, the pushback and protests Deace expected to witness never materialized.

“I realized that COVID is not an outlier, it is a harvest,” he said. “It’s what happens to a culture that has already been groomed for submission. There are many of our countrymen that don’t want to be Americans any longer. It’s too hard, or even worse, they don’t know what it is. They’ve been conditioned and groomed to be ruled.”

Deace noted that the culture says those trying to protect femininity from men are sexists. Those trying to protect brown-skinned girls from being human trafficked by the multitudes at the border – they’re xenophobes. Those who believe equality of outcome should be based on the content of character rather than skin color – those individuals are racists.

“That’s not mere political ideology anymore,” Deace said. “You’re now dealing with now, I think, a really dark spiritual stronghold in our country. The Spirit of the Age is a manifestation of the demonic opposition that I think we are up against.”

Now, Deace added, the “threat level” has been raised.

“And on a spiritual level, we need to raise our response level in kind,” he said. “Typical politics as usual is not going to cut it. We’re going to have to more directly invoke the Word of God.”

It’s time to bring “out of the mothballs” the “greatest weapon ever devised.”

“Which is the Word of God,” Deace said. “There’s a reason why our opponents always say make your arguments without the Bible. Well, I don’t know, I’d kind of like the U.S. government to invade me without the Marines too. That’d make my job a lot easier.”

Christians, Deace said, voluntarily put God’s Word on the shelf and let it collect mothballs.

They tried to make philosophical or politically pragmatic viewpoints.

“We’ve been just steamrolled,” Deace said. “They’ve lost nearly every institution in the culture. We’ve got to get back to make the first thing the first thing. We need to reestablish a plumb line. We need to put the cornerstone that the builders rejected and make it the chief cornerstone once again.”

Author: Jacob Hall


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