The Ames School Board has a regularly scheduled meeting tonight beginning at 5:30 p.m. People can participate in the meeting the following ways:
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The District will be discussing its Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action under “informational item” on the agenda.
The BLM School Week of Action will teach students that white people hate protests, everybody has the right to choose their own gender and the principles of the Black Panthers.
That’s just the beginning.
Item six allows for residents of the district, students attending the district, parents or guardians of students attending the district and district staff members to address the board about any topic.
Those who wish to speak must sign up at the beginning of the meeting. Speaker participation is limited to three minutes once per item. The views and opinions of citizens addressing the Board do not necessarily reflect those of the Board, District administration, or staff. Speakers are to remember that Iowa law prohibits the Board from discussing specific employees, students or their performance. Student speakers will state their name and school. Others will state their name and address.