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On Thursday, Rep. Cindy Axne (IA-03) issued the following statement reacting to Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds’ changes to the State of Iowa’s COVID-19 resources and reporting:

“I share the desire of the Governor and all Iowans to have this pandemic behind us. As a working mom who has spent nearly two years navigating the threat of this virus with my own family, I also want us to get back to normal.

 But the Governor cannot, with the stroke of her pen, simply proclaim that normalcy.

 Rather than continuing to encourage Iowans to get their vaccines and boosters, which have proven to be the best way to avoid severe illness and death, the Governor is sending a message that Iowans have no more reason to be concerned about this virus, that the deaths of 156 Iowans reported in just this past week are ‘everyday’ occurrences, that the sacrifices of our frontline workers will now be considered ‘normal daily business,’ and that vaccine resources are no longer needed by the thousands of Iowans who remain unvaccinated.”


  1. I looked it up on the Dashboard, The 156 deaths reported occurred between Oct 20, 2021 and Jan 20,2022. That’s 3 months, not a week.


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