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Local committee forms to petition the Iowa General Assembly for the removal of
“Gender Identity” from Iowa’s civil rights legislation passed in 2007 by a Democrat-controlled legislature and signed by one-term Democratic Gov. Chet Culver.

After a teenage biological female who identified as a male used the men’s locker room at the Pella Aquatic Center in June, many local citizens registered their dissatisfaction at a special city council meeting.

A partial statement given by the mayor of Pella was, “The City of Pella has received concerns related to the swimming attire of a patron who recently visited the Pella Aquatic Center. The City has reviewed the matter with legal counsel and no further action will be taken. The City considers this matter concluded.”

The main concern voiced by parents was the potential danger and harm caused to children by exposure to this.

The ‘matter,’ however, is not concluded according to Chairman Helena Hayes.

“Other incidents around the state have also occurred in Sioux Center, Jefferson, and other Iowa communities where other transgender exploit the civil rights law and indecently expose themselves in public. An example of the indecent exposure occurred in Pella on June 16 when a teenage girl went topless at a pool full of young children with just Band-Aids covering her nipples,” said Hayes.

A committee of local residents forming Iowans for House File 272 is organizing to circulate a petition in an attempt to draw concrete support for striking “Gender Identity” from the current civil rights law. The group derives its name, House File 272, from a bill introduced and sponsored by Rep. Dean Fisher in the 89th General Assembly. Rick Phillips reports a goal of getting thousands of Iowans to support Rep. Fisher’s bill by petition as a means to persuade the House Judiciary Committee to pass HF 272 out of committee.

Pella Books located at 824 Franklin St., has made the petition available to review and sign. Anita Fischer is in contact with legislative officials and a recruiter for petition circulators around the state.

The committee can be contacted by U.S. mail at P.O. Box 51, Pella, Iowa 50219 or by email at [email protected]. Keith Hoksbergen said, “We are looking or for hundreds of statewide volunteers who are willing to circulate petitions and collect signatures to preserve morals for the next generation.” Fischer also adds, “We expect to garner massive support and present it at the next legislative session in January 2022.”

View and print petition(s) below:


Author: Jacob Hall


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