How can Conservatives beat the lockstep of the Democrats? By being in lockstep ourselves. How can we decide who is in charge and whose lead should we follow? We need to follow the most powerful leader with the best plan. People tend to see things differently.
That means our only choice is to follow the will of the Lord Almighty that can only be known by ingesting his Word, the Holy Bible. When He says “Do not murder”, we will not murder. When He says that He sets the borders of the nations, we will respect them. When He says that the climate will not change while the Earth remains, we believe Him. When He says He created two genders, we believe Him. When He tells us not to worry about tomorrow, we will trust Him.
The Lord is the author of freedom and liberty so we will support freedom and liberty. He also lays down the law and we will follow His laws, personally and corporately. Let me say that again, we must follow His laws personally and corporately. We will support order. People that govern themselves according to the will of God naturally require less government intervention because they look out for the best interests of their neighbor.
Great leaders are not dictators. Great leaders support the ones that follow them, walk in a way that is worthy of being followed, stay later, do the greatest share of the work with an eye on excellence. People follow them out of respect and love, not out of fear and loathing. Great leaders are not wise in their own eyes, they seek the Scriptures and God’s Word for direction, wisdom and understanding of the highest order. They pray to the Living God in their private time and keep company of those that conduct themselves in a way that pleases the Lord.
The only way Conservatives can unite is with God as our head and leaders that follow Him. The founding fathers of our great nation followed Jesus. They prayed for guidance and prayed for our nation.
Some people say that God does not take sides. That is true. We must choose His side. His side is always the side of victory.