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On the first day of the Democratic National Abortion Convention in Chicago, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America blasted the Democrats’ extremism. The group plans to monitor and fact-check the convention across all its social media channels throughout the week.

“The Democratic National Abortion Convention puts the extremism of the Democrats on full display. The days when the Democrats insisted abortion should be ‘safe, legal and rare’ are history. From ‘free’ abortion drugs aboard the Planned Parenthood bus, to a draft party platform that uses the word abortion an unprecedented 13 times, today’s Democrats under the Harris-Walz ticket are officially the Shout Your Abortion Party,” said SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser.

“Everyone should be asking Kamala Harris, Tim Walz and all the Democrats’ candidates the question: What are your exceptions? Harris and Walz won’t name a single limit on abortion they support – not in the seventh, eighth or ninth month of pregnancy when unborn babies clearly feel pain, and not even when a child is born alive following an abortion attempt. They stand for eliminating the most basic protections for women and girls, such as informed consent and parental involvement, and seek to shut down alternatives to abortion. The contrast to President Trump, JD Vance and the GOP, who support the right of the people to set limits on abortion and provide real options for mothers in need, could not possibly be clearer. Our team will be watching closely to expose this reality because voters deserve to know. At the same time, we call on the Democrats to stop ignoring the real needs of women nationwide and show that they value mothers and their babies, not just abortion.”

This election cycle, SBA Pro-Life America and its affiliated entities plan to spend $92 million to protect life across America. The groups’ largest-ever voter contact program includes reaching 10 million voters – with four million visits to voters’ homes – across eight key battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio.

Author: Press Release


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