Democrats block Scott resolution condemning campus antisemitism

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On Tuesday, U.S. Senator Tim Scott’s (R-S.C.) resolution to condemn the explosion of antisemitism on U.S. college campuses was blocked by Senate Democrats. In an effort to call out university presidents who have enabled and refused to take action against this antisemitism, Senator Scott filed a motion to pass the resolution via Unanimous Consent, which was blocked by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

“We are witnessing antisemitic hate and extremism that threatens the very safety of our Jewish students on college campuses around the greatest nation on God’s green earth,” said Senator Scott. “There can be no equivocating when it comes to the issue of antisemitic violence or hatred. And I – and every single one of us – should just call it out for what it is.” 

“The American people, and especially our Jewish brothers and sisters, deserve our moral clarity on this issue,” he continued.

Senator Scott’s remarks condemning antisemitism on college campuses can be found here.

Senator Scott’s rebuttal to Senator Sanders’ resolution can be found here.

Author: Press Release


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