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Eric Trump was asked by NBC News about the changes to the Republican Party’s platform regarding the issues of abortion and marriage. The reporter asked if it is a sign President Donald J. Trump is moving to the center, but Eric Trump said it is where President Trump has “always” been.

The host pointed out for the first time in 40 years the platform doesn’t call for a federal abortion ban and it doesn’t define marriage as between one man and one woman.

“Listen I think he’s always been there on those issues to tell you the truth,” said Eric Trump. “And I think that’s reflective of who my father is and what he believes in. I think that’s reflective of my wife Lara, who runs the RNC, and clearly what she believes in. I’m proud of the Party. I mean, listen, at the end of the day, this country has real holes in the roof and you’ve got to fix those holes and you’ve got to stop worrying about the little spot on the wall in the basement.”



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