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Gerald Seib is the executive Washington editor for The Wall Street Journal. He joined Washington Journal on Monday morning to discuss a variety of political topics. But there was one question, in particular, Seib felt he wasn’t qualified to answer.

The question came from an Iowan as well:

Bonnie, the caller from Iowa, phrased her question this way:

“I believe that you could do something that neither the NCAA nor the recent Supreme Court nominee could do, and that is this — please define, what is a woman?”

Seib laughed the question and said that question is “beyond my level of expertise.”

The host and Seib simply moved on to the next question.

Hard to believe that the executive Washington editor of The Wall Street Journal passed on a chance to offer a definition of the word woman. Especially considering that on Nov. 16, 2020, he wrote a piece called:

“The Year of the Woman Really, Finally Did Arrive in 2020.”


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