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In mid-February, Florida issued a press release called “Health Alert on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Safety.” You can read it here.

Florida Surgeon General Joe Ladapo highlighted a 1,700 percent increase in VAERS reports after the release of the COVID-19 shot. Over the same time period there was an increase of 400 percent in overall vaccine administration.

According to that release, the reporting of life-threatening conditions increased more than 4,400 percent.

Ladapo sent a letter to the FDA and CDC expressing his concerns.

“In addition to Florida’s analysis of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, academic researchers throughout our country and around the globe have seen troubling safety signals of adverse events surrounding this vaccine,” he wrote. “Their concerns are corroborated by the substantial increase in VAERS reports from Florida, including life-threatening conditions. We have never seen this type of response following previous mass vaccination efforts pushed by the federal government.”

The FDA and CDC responded to Ladapo on March 10. You can read their response here.

The letter states the “claim” that the increase of VAERS reports of life-threatening conditions reported from Florida and elsewhere represents an increase of risk caused by the COVID-19 shots is “incorrect, misleading and could be harmful to the American people.”

“The FDA-approved and FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines have met FDA’s rigorous scientific and regulatory standards for safety and effectiveness and these vaccines continue to be recommended for use by CDC for all people six months of age and older,” the letter states.

Steve Kirsch wrote the CDC and FDA sent a “safe and effective sales pitch” while accusing Ladapo of spreading COVID misinformation.

“Something is seriously wrong,” Kirsch wrote. “Both agency heads should have acknowledged the discrepancy and investigated. If they had done so, they would have found other ‘discrepancies’ such as the over 700 safety signals (including death and stroke) that were triggered in VAERS that were never explained or reported to the public.

Ladapo was praised by Kirsch, who called Ladapo the “only trustable public health authority in America.”

“Ladapo has expressed legitimate concerns about the safety of the COVID vaccines and the FDA/CDC are simply unable to explain this data,” he wrote. “Instead, they deflect and distract the public from the important issues he raised and attempt to make him look like he is the bad guy. The FDA/CDC leadership should be ashamed of themselves.”


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