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Iowa Abolitionists are rising all across the state, and we are seeking to fight abortion in a different way than others around the state. We have no interest in regulating baby murder or hiding the fact that we are Christians and that the gospel is necessary to defeat evil. Our aim is to abolish abortion, and our goal is to trust in God while we do it.

We believe that abolishing abortion can only be achieved through specific tenets. After all, it took over 50 years to end Roe v Wade, and since Roe was overturned, abortions per year have increased! Clearly, the route we have taken has been a complete failure, and it is time to try something new… or old, if you consider obedience to God an ancient concept.

Those who care about their preborn neighbors and want to see abortion abolished in Iowa need to embrace a new paradigm or enter through new GATES, you might say. What are the GATES of Abolitionism? Glad you asked!

G – Gospel Centered
A – Aligned Providentially
T – Through the Church
E – Engaged Biblically
S – Sought Immediately without Compromise

Gospel Centered: Abortion is sin, and like all sin, the only way to defeat it is through the gospel. While we are fighting for the lives of our preborn neighbors, we do not seek to hide our agenda to save the souls of men. Physical life and eternal life can be fought for at the same time, and so we will proclaim the gospel wherever we go; be that at our neighbor’s house, Planned Parenthood’s sidewalk, or Des Moines’ legislative halls.

Aligned Providentially: We put our trust in the providence of God and not the pragmatism of men. We are concerned with being right with God, not with man’s great strategies and schemes. Statements like “we don’t have the votes” or “our culture isn’t ready for that” do not stop us from demanding what is right before God. We look not to the representatives or to the culture to get our marching orders; we look to God for the victory.

Through the Church: The body of Jesus Christ must be the primary entity to defeat an evil such as abortion. This battle is not against flesh and blood but against evil spirits and demonic forces. This is why we look to the church of Jesus Christ. The abolitionists in Iowa that have risen up are made up of churchmen who are ambassadors of Christ and calling our culture and legislators to repent.

Engaged Biblically: Our ethics and arguments are rooted in the Bible. Certainly, we are not afraid to reason with you, but we will not abandon the Bible in any engagement. Most Republican talking heads and pro-life organizations are ashamed to use the Bible as their foundation; we unapologetically stand upon the Scripture.

Sought Immediately without Compromise: We only support bills that immediately abolish abortion and do so without compromise (no exceptions), because obedience to God is immediate and total. You will not see us cutting backroom deals or folding like a cheap suit. We came here to abolish abortion and chew bubble gum, and we are all out of bubble gum.

If you are tired of winning elections and losing the issues and you want to actually “Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter,” join us in rising up and speaking for our preborn neighbors!

To learn more, contact us on Facebook.


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