While Fox News is still the preferred TV news source for most conservatives, Newsmax and One America News (OAN) have made gains the past year.
Rasmussen Reports released a new national phone and online survey that found 52 percent of conservative likely U.S. voters who regularly watch TV news most often watch Fox News. Seventeen percent said they watch Newsmax most often while nine percent said they watch OAN most often.
Twenty percent prefer another network.
Fox News was heavily criticized by conservatives for the way it handled the 2020 Presidential Election. Thirty-eight percent of conservative TV news viewers have changed their favorite network in the past year. Fifty-two percent said the preference has not changed.
Sixty-three percent of those who watch Newsmax most often said they’ve changed their favorite network in the past year. Fifty-three percent of OAN’s audience also said it has changed its favorite network the last year.
Viewership for both alternative networks was slightly higher among those who say they are very conservative compared to those who are somewhat conservative.