As pro-life Americans, the infamous decision on Roe v. Wade looms large — an opinion by the high court that has resulted in more than 60 million innocent lives in the womb lost.
Tragically, a Supreme Court ruling handed down in early July may prove just as devastating to religious liberty. The Bostock v. Clayton County decision actually redefines a word Americans used to agree meant something.
In law, the word “sex” has historically referred to the biological gender of male or female. But venturing far from biblical and scientific truth, the Supreme Court determined that “sex” now also means sexual orientation and gender identity.
We cannot minimize the moral and cultural blow struck by this ruling.
While the decision was limited to Title VII employment law, it opens the door for attacks on everything from religious freedom to women’s sports and safety, to education, to the tax code, to health insurance, to pronouns, and more.
Trust me — it is not a matter of IF there will be more attacks on biblical truth, but WHEN.
Today, as cultural battles increase, FRC is standing on the front lines to protect the free expression of faith, our families, and our freedoms from this radical liberal agenda.
We need to know what issues matter most to you, Jacob. Could you take two minutes and fill out our 2020 Issues Survey? It will help us prioritize FRC’s education and mobilization efforts in the days ahead.
You’ve probably heard from friends or family who are tempted to retreat to our churches and give up on the broader culture. Why not simply raise our families, attend church, do private works of charity — and forget about political and cultural engagement?
Now is not a time for sitting back and being silent or cowering in fear about the direction of the culture and our country.
Since 1983, FRC has played a critical role informing Americans about what is really happening in government and countering attempts to undermine biblical values.
We must be like the sons of Issachar, who were among the mighty men who joined David. 1 Chronicles 12 tells us they “understood the times and knew what Israel should do.”
God’s word calls us to be faithful to Him always, not just when it’s easy or when we are victorious. And in the current moment, the stakes are particularly high.
Following the Supreme Court’s shocking Bostock ruling, the door has been opened for further assaults on religious liberty.
Mere days after that decision magically redefined human biology, leftist politicians were back in Congress pushing for the Equality Act, which would allow biological men to compete in women’s sports and give them access to women-only intimate spaces (among other concerning outcomes).
We must be active, not passive. As engaged citizens, we must understand who is attacking faith, family, and freedom — and why. And we must also know what to do!
Your voice, Jacob, is important as FRC evaluates which issues matter most in the days and months ahead. Thank you in advance for filling out the 2020 Issues Survey… and your vital donation of whatever amount you can provide at this time to further FRC’s mission of advancing faith, family, and freedom.
We can’t give up or retreat. With an eternal perspective, we can keep standing for what is truly righteous and just.
To resist the temptation to capitulate to evil, we must strengthen ourselves in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6). Our mission and purpose are to stand for truth so that others might experience freedom as they come to know the truth.
Americans cannot count on mainstream media to present unbiased coverage of policy issues that, at their core, are biblical or moral. Together, we must present the truth through FRC radio and media channels.
That’s why this week FRC launched our first weekly Pray Vote Stand broadcast live from our Washington, D.C. headquarters where I was joined by experts, policy makers, and faith leaders to discuss the issues you care about including life, marriage, religious freedom, education, and so much more. Mark your calendars to join us every Wednesday night at 8PM ET.
In order to inform concerned citizens with a biblical perspective on current events, FRC must maintain our costly media presence to engage the debates in popular culture!
It takes significant resources for FRC to produce our daily radio show Washington Watch aired on almost 400 radio stations nationwide. Our state-of-the-art TV studio provides the means for me and other FRC leaders to go on national news networks and speak the truth.
I am praying for you — and for all of us — as we take our stand in these days of great challenge and great opportunity, that we would have the courage to make the Truth known.