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Governor Brian Kemp, surrounded by many of Georgia’s law enforcement and first responders, signed into law The Georgia Criminal Alien Track and Report Act of 2024 (HB 1105). This legislation – a huge victory for immigration enforcement advocates– mandates that all local law enforcement agencies coordinate with federal authorities on matters regarding illegal aliens.

Georgia did have an anti-sanctuary law before HB 1105 was enacted.  However, that bill was watered down over the years. Tragically, it took the murder (by an illegal alien) of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student, to restore the law back to its original intent.

The passage of H.B. 1105 accomplishes several goals.  First, Georgia’s new law requires that officers verify the immigration status of those they arrest.  Additionally, now local jails must participate in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) 287(g) program, which permits jail personnel to identify aliens subject to deportation. If an agency fails to adhere to the new law, its locality will lose state funding as well as any federal monies administered by the state.  Further, a violation of HB 1105 by an individual may be classified as a misdemeanor.

Moreover, under the new law, the Georgia Department of Corrections and detention centers are required to publish reports on illegal aliens every 90 days, beginning in October. These reports must specify the immigration status, offense, and home country of illegal alien inmates. Additionally, beginning January 1, 2025, all supervisors of jails and detention facilities must provide quarterly reports on illegal aliens.

When signing HB 1105, Governor Kemp noted, “This bill, the Georgia Criminal Alien Track and Report Act, became one of our top priorities, as the speaker mentioned, following the senseless death of Laken Riley at the hands of someone in this country illegally who had already been arrested.” Kemp continued, “People who thought sanctuary cities were a good idea, they are not. People have to come into the country legally. We support legal immigration, but when you got people coming in here illegally, committing crimes, multiple crimes, especially killing someone, we are not going to stand for that.”

Before Governor Kemp signed the bill, opponents of H.B. 1105 rallied near the state capitol and then marched to the governor’s mansion demanding that he veto it. Fortunately, proponents of the act were adamant that the beefed-up law was needed to preserve the safety of Georgia’s communities. State Rep. Houston Gaines (R-Athens), who co-authored the bill with Rep. Jesse Petrea (R-Savannah), praised Governor Kemp for signing the legislation. “Our community will never forget the senseless murder of Laken Riley, a young woman with an incredible future. Laken was failed over and over again – the perpetrator should’ve never been on the streets. H.B. 1105 will restore safety to our communities by defunding local governments with sanctuary policies and ensuring total compliance with immigration authorities.”

As President Biden’s border crisis intensifies, and record numbers of illegal aliens enter the country, states have begun realizing that Congress and the Administration are not doing their constitutional duty and every state is now a border state. It has now become incumbent on states to step up and preserve the safety of its legal residents. Governor Kemp understands this, emphasizing, “The Biden administration has failed in its duties to secure our southern border and as a result, we do not know who has entered our country or where they are going. But in Georgia, we will do everything in our power to ensure criminals are not allowed to walk free and terrorize communities.”

Author: FAIR


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