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On Wednesday we reported about a letter sent from Sen. Chuck Grassley to one of his constituents that discussed the 2020 Presidential Election and claims by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell of voter fraud.

Today we want to provide the full text of Sen. Grassley’s letter, which is dated March 8, 2021:

“Thank you for taking the time to contact me with your concerns regarding a film produced and presented by Mike Lindell. As your senator, it is important to me that I hear from you.

“I appreciate hearing your thoughts regarding the film Absolute Proof, produced by Myr. Lindell. I have heard from numerous Iowans who’ve asked me to weigh in on the claims presented in it. I am aware of the claims made by Mr. Lindell regarding the 2020 election.

“The COVID-19 pandemic required alterations to the election process in numerous states that may have increased the potential for fraud or inaccuracies and debate about the issue of election integrity is important. That said, the claims put forth by Mr. Lindell are false. There was no widespread conspiracy to deprive President Trump re-election through the manipulation of votes. While individuals associated with the Trump Campaign voiced similar concerns, it is telling that they never produced evidence of vote manipulation in any court, and in some cases restricted such claims or even stipulated in court filings that they were not making such allegations.

“After the 2016 elections, I was very clear to those who tried to argue that President Trump was illegitimately elected that sowing such doubts was not appropriate. In recent elections, I have noticed a troubling pattern of losing candidates and their supporters arguing that they were defrauded or lost only as a result of a flawed process. I believe that elections need to be secure and fair with the rules governing them set in advance for a level playing field. That said, when an election is over and when disputes have been addressed through our independent judicial system we must accept their finality. President Trump lost reelection to President Biden. I am not happy about it, but there is nothing I can do about it as a U.S. Senator. However, there are matters before Congress that we as conservatives should be concerned about. For example, for the past couple of years left-wing activists have pushed for a generalization of election law through the deceptively titled ‘For the People Act’ or H.R. 1. This over five-hundred page legislation is a collection of a large number of separate, overlapping and conflicting bills that would make a series of drastic changes to the American electoral process and the conduct of elections in states. I have long opposed federalizing the running of elections and this bill would override many voter integrity features in Iowa law.

“I understand that election integrity is an important issue for many Iowans. I have a long track record of working to prevent voter fraud in elections through common-sense legislative proposals like a national voter ID. I will continue to work for election integrity to oppose partisan proposals in D.C. to reform election infrastructure for political advantage.

“Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. Please keep in touch.

“Chuck Grassley”

Author: Jacob Hall


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