From today’s Iowa Standard newsletter. Sign up for the newsletter here or send us your email address at [email protected].
Good morning! Here we go for another week in Des Moines and the legislative session!
Today I want to write about patience. More specifically, my lack of it as it relates to illegal immigration.
I believe the phrase is “I can’t.” On this issue, I’m not looking for compromise or middle ground. We’ve already given too much ground. It’s time for the foot to be put down. And honestly, I don’t care if the views are popular or unpopular.
It’s time for us to get aggressive in the fight against illegal immigration. No more birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants. No more public benefits for people who aren’t legally in the country. No more public education for children not in the country legally. No more jobs for people who aren’t in the country legally.
I’m sorry if that offends you. I’m sorry if that means farmers will have to pay more wages to find legal workers willing to do the tasks necessary.
But I’m more sorry that Americans are falling victim to violent crimes carried out by people who have no business in this country. I am more sorry that Sarah Root isn’t reading this. I am more sorry that Mollie Tibbetts isn’t reading this. I’m more sorry that Laken Riley isn’t reading this. I’m more sorry that they died. I’m more sorry that they were killed by illegal immigrants.
I am officially to the point where I just can’t care more about the “emotional” arguments in favor of letting illegal immigrants stay here than I care about the emotional stories of Americans being murdered by illegal immigrants. It’s time to put Americans First.
I applaud the Iowa Senate for passing mandatory E-Verify. Critics say E-Verify doesn’t work and it will make filling jobs more difficult. Well, this is a tool at our disposal that I support. More than 5,000 Iowa businesses voluntarily use the program already. But you know what company didn’t? The one that employed the guy who murdered Mollie Tibbetts.
And people will ask how will mandatory E-Verify help. Well, for starters the penalty for breaking the law is extremely severe. Businesses will have a vested interest in ensuring they aren’t employing illegal immigrants. According to studies, illegal immigration drops significantly in states that pass mandatory E-Verify. If illegal immigrants cannot get work, they will not stay. If they cannot get work, they will not enter.
Is E-Verify the solution? No. But can it be part of the solution? Absolutely. Our country is being invaded. Since Joe Biden went into office something like 7-12 million illegal immigrants have entered America. That’s either more than twice the population of Iowa or nearly four times the population of Iowa.
At this point, I really don’t care about much as it relates to this issue other than stopping the illegal invasion taking place at the border AND deporting anyone in the country who is not legally supposed to be here.
I know that the last part of that may sound heartless, but I’m not sure how many more Americans need to be murdered by illegal immigrants for others to reach the same conclusion. I’m uncomfortable with any more being murdered by illegal immigrants, personally.
This is why it was so disappointing to read Republican State Sen. Dan Zumbach’s email newsletter this week. Zumbach wrote:
“We also had two of our U.S.Congress members stop by and share with us what is happening at the Capitol in Washington DC. Congresswoman Ashley Hinson and Congressman Randy Feenstra spent time with legislators sharing about the tragedy of illegal immigrants invading the southern border of the United States. This situation is dire and needs to be brought under control. We all need to encourage and pray for President Biden to end this crisis.“
So, if you just read Sen. Zumbach’s newsletter, it appears he “gets it” when it comes to illegal immigration. He notes the situation is “dire” and that it “needs to be brought under control.” But…
What if I told you Zumbach was the ONLY Republican in the Iowa Senate who voted AGAINST the mandatory E-Verify bill? Because he was. And that is made even more disgusting when you consider Zumbach ran for Secretary of Agriculture in 2018 against Craig Lang, who was the employer of Mollie Tibbetts’ killer. That issue should hit closer to home, not less.
It is fine for Zumbach to vote however he wants on a bill, but his rhetoric simply doesn’t match his record. And that is the rub. If you’re not willing to be serious about addressing the illegal immigration invasion, just be consistent. Nobody voting against that bill is serious about addressing the invasion.
At this point, I am officially any and all of the above when it comes to solutions to the invasion. Deport. Detain. E-Verify. Allow local law enforcement to enforce immigration laws. End birthright citizenship for children of illegals.
There just isn’t much I wouldn’t support at this time. And no, it has nothing to do with anyone’s race. Unlike Democrats — who seem to only believe brown people can be illegal — I want all illegals deported regardless of their color and regardless of the country they’re coming from.
It is time we get a grip on what the heck is happening in our country and find out who is here.
Maybe all that sounds extreme, but it will never sound as extreme to me as continuing to allow American citizens to be murdered in their own country by people who are not supposed to be here.
Let’s try something radical, let’s try putting the interests of Americans first.
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