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Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) will hold a hearing titled “Reforming the WHO: Ensuring Global Health Security and Accountability” to examine the effectiveness of the World Health Organization (WHO), assess its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and explore areas of improvement should a future health crisis arise. As the single largest financial contributor to the WHO, the United States has an elevated interest in ensuring taxpayer funds are put to use in a transparent and productive manner. Concerningly, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated many of the existing shortcomings within the organization and called attention to the WHO’s unwarranted partiality towards the Chinese government. This hearing seeks to delve into the challenges faced by the WHO and hold the world’s leading global health organization accountable for its failures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Instead of prioritizing honesty, transparency, and the health of citizens worldwide, the World Health Organization became subject to overwhelming undue influence from the Chinese Communist Party and placed its political interests ahead of its international duties. Should Americans rely on the WHO when disaster strikes in the future? At this point in time, is it possible for the WHO to be productively reformed? Next week’s hearing with expert government witnesses will address these questions and more,” wrote Chairman Wenstrup.

WHAT: Hearing titled “Reforming the WHO: Ensuring Global Health Security and Accountability”

DATE: Wednesday, December 13, 2023

TIME: 2:00 PM ET

LOCATION: 2154 Rayburn House Office Building


Loyce Pace, M.P.H
Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs
Department of Health and Human Services

John Nkengasong, M.Sc, Ph.D.
U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
Senior Bureau Official for Global Health Security and Diplomacy
U.S. Department of State

Atul Gawande, M.D., M.P.H.
Assistant Administrator for Global Health
United States Agency for International Development

Author: Press Release


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