Here it is! “The speech I’d like to hear”

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As we promised in last week’s blogpost, here is “the speech I’d like to hear.”

Pulse Life Advocates wrote and produced this speech because of the paucity of thoughtful and inspirational pro-life speeches this election cycle. And yet abortion is the most important issue our country faces.

Abortion violates America’s Creed of immutable fundamental rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

It violates the spirit of the preamble of the U.S. Constitution that calls on us to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

Abortion kills our posterity. It violates a human being’s fundamental Blessings of Liberty.

It kills God’s creation.

If we’re not willing to fight for the rights of the most vulnerable people in our midst, our unborn brothers and sisters, then who will we fight for?

Every single demographic subset of this great land, from trans to gay, black to brown, has activists standing up in the public square screaming for rights they already possess, while the unborn are being killed at shocking rates. 

LGBTQ people may be killed with impunity in places like Iran, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia. But unlike our unborn black, brown, and white brothers and sisters, they enjoy protected status in the U.S.

Pulse’s executive director, Maggie DeWitte, presents “the speech I’d like to hear” in response to the heartless embrace to late term abortion, which has now morphed into the justification for letting babies die who survive their abortions.

This level of heartlessness is breathtaking.

Pulse asks you to spread this speech as follows:

  1. Post it on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tok Tok, YouTube, etc.
  2. Email it out to your families and friends.
  3. Show it to your pastor. Ask him to preach on it.
  4. Send it to other pro-life organizations. Ask them to post it on their social media platforms, and even their own websites.

Roe v Wade corrupted the United States of America. It took a half-century to undo it. It’ll take another half century to sort out the carnage it left in its wake.

Do your part. Share this speech. Support Pulse in our pro-life educational outreach. Creating a video like “the speech I’d like to hear” takes money. And by all means, attend our Christmas Gala on November 23rd at the Iowa Events Center.


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