Jack Maxey has made the rounds talking about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop. He does not expect many of the media outlets to cover what he believes is a pattern of criminal activity found on the laptop, but Maxey is holding out hope the Senate Judiciary Committee may be able to seek justice.
Maxey even believes there are crimes that could potentially show foreign bribery of Joe Biden as Vice President and President, as well as exposing suspected fraudulent activity in the 2020 Presidential Election.
The problem? The government has the laptop of Hunter Biden and refuses to investigate.
It isn’t just Democrats, either.
Maxey said he sent United States Sen. Chuck Grassley an external copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop but nothing has come from it. The laptop is on an external SanDisk drive and the exact copy Maxey delivered to the Daily Mail on March 3 and the Washington Post last summer. Maxey notes the Daily Mail had it confirmed by the former head of the FBI computer forensics lab.
In a letter sent from Maxey to Grassley’s office on July 6, 2021, Maxey implores Grassley to launch an investigation.
“Sadly, out of a general sense that the government is not to be trusted, every other first-tier media company in the United States has refused it, and it is only recently that the New York Post has been willing to break stories,” Maxey wrote. “All of them are afraid of their own government. Sir, this fear is across the board. I hear it from working men to billionaires, and it should terrify every decent American.”
Maxey said he stands by every word he’s given in numerous interviews on the topic.
“I have confidential informants who would be willing to testify concerning many of the crimes, both here and in other geographies including communist China,” he wrote. “But like most of America, they too are terrified of poking the bear i.e., the FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ and the various bad actors who have enabled these vast crimes and betrayal to the communist Chinese by Americans and other global corrupt actors. All these crimes have been, to date, committed without consequence.”
Maxey, however, wrote he has faith in God and is not afraid. He ‘still holds out hope that men like (Grassley) and others who take their oaths seriously will intervene to save our constitutional republic.”
“I am a veteran and have already offered my life for these ideals and made an oath to protect the Constitution from enemies, ‘both foreign and domestic,'” he wrote. “It still stands.
“The level of corruption and betrayal are almost unimaginable. I pray sir, because I have profound respect for your character, that you will have the power and the courage to put this before the American people and hold the guilty responsible. Throughout this, because I have a daughter and a soul, I have tried diligently to protect the dozens of innocents who would be exposed if this was made live. It is my prayer that this will never have to be the case and so long as I live and have a say, it never will. But this country is on the precipice, and righteous men owe it to the past and the future to avoid chaos if it can be helped.
“I hope I am not alone, but I still believe what the old people told me and without hyperbole, I have pledged my life, my fortune and my sacred honor to see that justice be done.
“I am available any time to brief you or your staff on the contents, and would happily go under oath to do it.”
Maxey sent The Iowa Standard this shipping receipt which he says shows the laptop was indeed shipped on July 7, 2021 and delivered on July 8, 2021 at Ranking Minority Member Sen. Chuck Grassley’s office. It was signed by “BELL.”
Maxey, though, has not heard from Grassley’s office. In fact, he told The Iowa Standard he has called Grassley’s office “several times,” but the attorneys are “too busy to talk.”
The Iowa Standard reached out to multiple members of Grassley’s communications department.
The office confirmed Grassley’s investigations team has received a copy of what appears to be Hunter Biden’s laptop. The team is continuing its work to review it and validate the authenticity of its contents.
“Some of the information appears to corroborate details of the Biden family’s controversial foreign financial entanglements that Grassley made public in a report he issued last fall as chairman of the Finance Committee,” the office said.
A rundown of Sen. Grassley’s recent public comments and work related to Hunter Biden are available HERE.