Employees at Houston Methodist Hospital filed a lawsuit against the hospital for forcing all staff members to receive a COVID-19 injection to keep their jobs.
The lawsuit notes that the COVID-19 injections are experimental and the employees do not wish to be “guinea pigs.”
“For the first time in the history of the United States, an employer is forcing an employee to participate in an experimental vaccine trial as a condition for continued employment,” the lawsuit states. “Methodist Hospital is forcing its employees to be human ‘guinea pigs’ as a condition for continued employment.”
The lawsuit notes the increase in VAERS reports due to the COVID injections.
“The COVID vaccines are adding a year’s worth of VAERS reports every week,” it states. “In just four months, more adverse reports were added to the VAERS database than any single vaccine has had cumulatively over the past 31 years. This is clearly a safety signal, further studies need to be done and plaintiffs should not be forced to participate in these dangerous trials as a condition for employment.”
None of the COVID injections have received final approval from the FDA. Each one has been granted an Emergency Authorization Use. The statute granting the FDA the power to authorize a medical product for emergency use requires each person being administered the unapproved product be advised of his and her right to refuse administration of the product.
“Additionally, terms and conditions of EAUs preempt state and local laws that would impose obligations that are inconsistent with those terms and conditions,” the lawsuit states. Plaintiffs are not given a choice as to whether or not they want to participate in the experimental vaccine trials. The only choice the plaintiffs have is to join the experimental trial and be injected with the experimental vaccine or be fired.”
The lawsuit cites the Nuremberg Code as universal prohibition on human experimentation without consent.
Attached to the lawsuit is a letter from Marc Boom, the president and CEO of Houston Methodist.
The letter states that employees who have not been vaccinated have until June 7, and if they are not vaccinated by June 7, the HR policy outlines consequences — including suspension and eventually termination.
“Mandating the vaccine was not a decision we made lightly,” Boom said. “We must do our part to keep patients and ourselves safe. And please know, we would never ask you to do anything that we thought was unsafe.”
David Bernard, the CEO of Houston Methodist San Jacinto Hospital, has a quote at the top of the lawsuit stating:
“One hundred percent vaccination is more important than your individual freedom. Every one of you is replaceable. If you don’t like what you’re doing you can leave and we will replace your spot.”