On Thursday, March 11, Iowa House Republicans passed House File 797 to expand the injuries covered under the 411 system for law enforcement and firefighters.
Under current law, 411 law enforcement officers and firefighters are covered if they sustain a single-instance injury while on the job. However, they are not covered if they acquire an injury over time through the course of their employment.
This bill would expand their coverage to include those cumulative injuries. It would also add mental disorders to the list of covered injuries.
Representative Bobby Kaufmann floor managed the legislation.
“This bill is a much-needed fix to a glaring gap in these heroes’ benefits system,” said Kaufmann. “Our law enforcement and firefighters have always had our backs, and this is one way the Iowa Legislature can show them that we have their backs too. I was pleased to see this bill pass unanimously through the Iowa House and I look forward to getting it over the finish line and signed into law.”
Speaker of the Iowa House Pat Grassley said this is the first in a series of bills the Iowa House plans to pass to support law enforcement.
“This is yet another example of House Republicans following through on the promises they made to their constituents in November,” said Grassley. “We are committed to working with law enforcement to ensure that they get the support they deserve for selflessly serving to keep our communities safe.”
HF 797 passed the Iowa House with a unanimous vote of 91-0.