The most recent Iowans for Tax Relief Foundation Poll, conducted by Cygnal, shows Governor Kim Reynolds is very popular, and Iowans strongly support the idea of a 4% flat tax. Additionally, a plurality of Iowans support United States military involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
A summary memo of the ITR Foundation Poll and partial poll results are available on
Governor Reynolds has an incredibly high net favorability and was by far the most popular person tested. Reynolds leads by 17 points on the gubernatorial ballot over likely Democrat nominee Deidra DeJear (55.3 to 38.1).
ITR Vice President Chris Hagenow said, “It is difficult to imagine how Governor Reynolds does not sail to re-election in November. Her strong personal favorability is coupled with the overwhelming support for her signature tax proposal.”
When asked about tax reform, 57 percent of Iowans support the proposal to lower Iowa’s personal income tax to a flat four percent rate, while only 24 percent oppose a flat tax.
Hagenow added, “Iowans know our state’s tax code takes too much money from taxpayers. The ITR Foundation Poll shows that nearly two out of three unaffiliated voters overwhelming support cutting individual income taxes and creating flat tax with a rate no higher than four percent.”
A plurality of Iowans support U.S. military involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Republicans and independents are slightly against U.S. action in Eastern Europe, while Democrats support intervention by an over two-to-one margin.