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Join us in a conversation with Dran Reese, the founder and president of The Salt & Light Council.
Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 12 PM (ET)
Dial 667-776-9181 (no code needed)

Since the election debacle in 2020, the big question for the 2024 election is, will it be free and fair. People who have looked seriously at the 2020 election are expecting that there will be attempts to skew the vote toward the Democrats.

Since we are aware of what transpired in 2020, have the necessary changes been made to prevent another stolen election? There are some folks out there who have concluded that there will be cheating and so it doesn’t matter if we vote or not. How do we combat that fatalism? How do we convince people who have become cynical that every vote is vital?

Everyone who cares about this country and wants it to remain free needs to not only get out and vote but do everything they can to make sure those of like mind around them also exercise this great privilege that most people in the world would give everything for.

I have referred to Donald Trump as an emergency room doctor. He might not measure up to all of our standards, but we need him to save our lives. America needs a spiritual awakening. Donald Trump will not bring that about. Only Jesus Christ can do that; but he will make the changes necessary for us to move forward and keep us from being swallowed up in a Marxist nightmare.

Dran Reese is Founder and President of the 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry: The Salt & Light Council™ and initiatives, The Content of Character Series™, Judeo-Christian Caucus™ and Biblical Voter™.

The Salt & Light Council offers tools, training, and ongoing backend legal support for churches, community , and missionaries ready to become salt and light advocates in the government, media, and education mountains. Dran speaks nationally on Biblical Citizenship, our role and responsibility.

The Content of Character Series™ affirms the value and dignity of black Americans by offering statewide summits with nationally recognized speakers that inform, educate and activate inner city communities in public policy and culture through a biblical worldview.

The Judeo-Christian Caucus™ is a California initiative that coordinates legislators with citizens on pressing issues that affect our Judeo-Christian Heritage and values in CA government.

Biblical Voter™ is a one-stop resource for all national and state voter guides and election resources for voting including packaged kits for Biblical Voter Registration church and community drives.

Dran Reese is married for almost 30 years, 3 children and 2 grandchildren.  She obtained a 4-year scholarship to USC in Business Marketing and, in her earlier years, was a product inventor that launched and sold the company Ready America.  Her signature product QuakeHold! was considered one of the top 100 Products of the Millennium according to the Los Angeles times. Dran was also featured in the book “Women Invent,” among one of the many stories written on her past entrepreneurial success.

Dran also hosts a daily national prayer line that prays for America, and all are welcome to join.

Please join us for this stimulating, informative conversation.


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