From President Donald J. Trump:
As we’ve said many times on this show: Americans are smarter than Joe Biden thinks they are. No matter how many displays of cognitive dissonance from Mr. Biden or falsehoods or — to use a word I don’t like to apply to presidents, but must in this case — outright lies, Americans see right through it.
You simply cannot tell the public that there is no inflation when prices for food, groceries, electricity, natural gas and cars are rising sharply. Even with the recent drop in gasoline prices, they’re still up 26% over the past year. As a result, working folks have been forced to take a 3.4% pay cut during that period.
That’s why I don’t blame the railroad union workers for demanding higher wages. They’re just trying to catch up to higher prices. They don’t control the government spending and monetary spigots. They are victims of very bad policies.
Mr. Biden’s zero-inflation “celebration” on the White House lawn is a slap in the face of these people. When he says he “inherited” an economic crisis and turned it into a “resurgence,” it’s just factually wrong. Folks know this. Factually, he inherited a V-shaped resurgence from President Trump and turned it into a crisis. No amount of James Taylor songs are going to change that.
Read the full article by Larry Kudlow for Fox Business here.