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Pro-life organization Live Action – one of the nation’s leading human rights organizations – will host a press conference calling for equal protection for all human life from the moment of fertilization and reminding Congress of their important role in protecting human rights.

The event is scheduled for June 12 at 10 a.m. ET in front of the United States Capitol Demonstration Area 11.

Lila Rose, president and founder of Live Action, said:

In the past year, some of the most extreme pro-abortion state laws that allow for the killing of children moments before birth have been enacted, and multiple states will vote this November on adding a right to kill by abortion to their state constitutions. Big Abortion’s voice is loud, and their money is far-reaching. Our Constitution guarantees every person equal protection under the law. Equal protection is the North Star of the pro-life movement. It is Congress’s responsibility to ensure those protections are enforced. Our fight to make abortion illegal and unthinkable is far from over. The horrific reality is that 2,800 babies are killed by abortion in America every day. That is 117 precious souls every hour, almost 2 children per minute. We must protect every child and stop the lethal violence against our most vulnerable. 

Led by Live Action News Correspondent, Christina Bennett, this press event will include remarks from members of Congress, medical professionals, and prominent pro-life leaders. Speakers will send a clear message to Congress that the fight to build a culture of life in America is just beginning. They will be available for comment after the event.

Christina Bennett has addressed Congress and, most recently, the United Nations, with her powerful testimony on the importance of human rights in the womb. Bennett said:

When my mother was pregnant with me, she was going to have an abortion. Fortunately, a conversation with a hospital janitor convinced her to change her mind. In my twenties, I learned that my mother had fought to keep me, which filled me with a profound sense of worth and appreciation for life. The right to life for every child – beginning at fertilization –  must be recognized. No child can be forgotten or rejected by our law. Every human has human rights; when we forget that, we lose everything. We will not stop until abortion is unthinkable and every human being is afforded the equal protection we are guaranteed.

Author: Press Release


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