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U.S. Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks (Iowa-01) and Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) introduced the Lead by Example Act, which requires the Department of Energy (DOE) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set their offices’ air conditioning to 78 degrees, the same temperature a federal program recommends for American households. The legislation also calls on both departments to report to Congress what temperature their air conditioning has been set at since January 20, 2021, while these recommendations have been in place.

“The Biden Administration has recommended Americans set the temperature on their thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, during the heat of the summer, to limit energy use. This recommendation is an uncomfortable, and possibly unreasonable expectation of the American people,” said Miller-Meeks. “Further, this is textbook hypocrisy, because both the DOE and EPA are not adhering to these overheated recommendations at their own agency headquarters. Once again ‘do as I say, not as I do’ and it is outrageous that Biden’s executive agencies are the exception to the rule, yet the DOE is urging hard-working Americans to change their lifestyles without consideration for varying climates or health concerns. That is why I am proud to join Senator Ernst on the Lead by Example Act, which would require the DOE and EPA to follow DOE guidance and set the AC in both headquarters to at least 78 degrees Fahrenheit. The legislation also requires the DOE to report its thermostat history from 2021 onwards to Congress.” 

“I’m turning up the heat on the Biden administration to pull the plug on their ridiculous regulations and make Washington bureaucrats think twice before imposing arbitrary rules on Americans,” Ernst said. “If they truly believe it’s good enough for hardworking Americans, they should be ready and willing to lead by example and follow their own guidelines.” 

“The reality is, Biden bureaucrats are pushing their out-of-touch agenda on the American people to compensate for their failed radical green agenda. It’s time to make ‘em squeal and sweat!” said Ernst. 

Author: Press Release


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