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A Missouri state senator has filed legislation to remove President Joe Biden from the state’s presidential primary ballot, citing Biden’s commission of insurrection at the southern border.

State Sen. Bill Eigel said he will introduce the legislation following formal efforts in 33 states to remove President Donald J. Trump from the ballot.

“By the Democrats’ own standard, Joe Biden should be immediately disqualified and removed from the ballot for the ‘aid and comfort’ he has given our enemies,” said Eigle, who is running for Governor. “Our country is being invaded because Joe Biden has swung our southern border wide open. President Biden has allowed more than 8 million people to stroll across our border illegally.”

Eigel said his bill exposes the “absolute absurdity” of decisions made in Maine and Colorado to remove Trump from the ballot.

“If radical Leftists continue to push lies and fairytales in an attempt to kick Trump off the ballot in their states, Republicans have no choice but to buck up and fight back — use the facts to remove Biden from the ballot before he destroys this country even further,” Eigel said. “Democrats only believe in democracy when it favors them — let’s expose their double standard hypocrisy.”


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