Dan Crenshaw, who spends more time attacking America First Republicans because he (not so secretly) hates Trump, is talking about a bill to “hold Big Tech accountable!” but is the same type of toothless bill the Paul Ryan types try to sell to make it look like they’re doing something.
There are many Republican bills on the issue but none of them have been passed and won’t pass under Nancy Pelosi.
While we are in the minority, the most important thing we can do is show up and vote, call for recorded votes to put Uniparty career politicians on record, and do everything we can to stop the Democrats Communist agenda.
Unfortunately, Dan doesn’t always walk in the chamber to vote to stop Democrat bills, even when he’s in town.
Republicans would have stopped Maxine Waters’ bill, but Dan couldn’t be bothered to vote.
We also must never allow the Republicans to be run by the Bush/Cheney/McCain Neocons of the early 2000s. And we have some among us in Congress trying to keep the Neocon fight alive.