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Breitbart highlighted 20 Republicans who “sold out” to China, according to a new bestselling book from Peter Schweizer. The book is called “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.”

Branstad was appointed as U.S. Ambassador to China by President Donald J. Trump. Branstad has openly said he consider Chinese President Xi Jinping an “old friend.”

Schewizer writes that Branstad attempted to get Trump to back away from “restrictions on goods and services trading.”

According to the article, Schweizer notes that Marcus and Eric Branstad, Terry Branstad’s sons, have even deeper Chinese ties. Marcus lobbies on behalf of the American Chemistry Council, which opposed Trump’s tariffs on China. Wanhua Chemical Group is a member of ACC. The company’s largest shareholder is China’s government agency in charge of state-owned companies.

Eric was Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign Iowa Director and later landed a job under the administration at the U.S. Commerce Department’s liaison to the White House. Breitbart reports Eric Branstad befriended a lobbyist who was working on behalf of the China-owned company, the ZTE Corporation, for Mercury Public Affairs.

Breitbart notes that in June 2018, Eric Branstad went to Shanhai with Bryan Lanza and Li Zhao, the Iowa-based business consultant who was previously investigated by the FBI for intellectual property theft.

“After the trip, which included meetings with Chinese officials, the Trump Administration settled their dealings with ZTE,” Breitbart reports. “Eric Branstad went on to work for Mercury Public Affairs for a few years and now works as a ‘senior advisor’ at Trump’s Save America PAC.”

Eric Branstad also works for Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition.

Others mentioned include Sen. Mitch McConnell, President George H.W. Bush, Gov. Jeb Bush, Speaker John Boehner, Gov. Haley Barbour, Sen. David Vitter, Congressman Norman Coleman, Congressman Connie Mack, Congressman Jon Christensen, Sen. William Cohen, Sen. Tim Hutchinson, Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen, Sen. Trent Lott, Congressman Ed Royce, Congressman Jeff Dehman, Congressman Lee Terry, Congressman Jack Kingston, Congressman Cliff Stearns and Congressman Charles Boustany.

“Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win” can be purchased from Amazon here.


  1. I don’t know who is worse, the Democrats or the Republicans. At least the Dems are honest about who they are and what they believe. Republicans tend to put their arms around you to better stab you in the back. Yes, I know, not Iowa Nice but I think Iowa Nice has only backed us into a corner.

  2. Funny how Eric spent all day at the Capitol and then surprise, Eminent Domain went down to defeat by the spineless Senate. He is nothing more than daddy’s errand boy telling them how to vote or else.


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