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A new Rasmussen Reports national phone and online survey shows that while President Joe Biden has tried to blame others for the increased gas prices, American voters aren’t buying it.

Eighty-four percent of likely U.S. voters believe the rising price of gasoline, home heating oil and other petroleum products is a serious problem.

And 51 percent of those surveyed said that Biden bears the most responsibility for the increased prices. Just 15 percent blame Vladimir Putin. Twenty-six percent blame oil companies.

The average price of gas in November of 2020 was $2.20 per gallon. It is now $4.21 per gallon.

Sixty-one percent of voters said Biden has not done enough to stop the rising price of gasoline, home heating oil and other petroleum products.

While 41 percent of Democrats blame oil companies and 25 percent say Putin deserves most of the responsibility, just seven percent of Republicans and 14 percent of unaffiliated voters agree Putin is mainly to blame.


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