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From the National Republican Senatorial Committee:

Even though Hispanic Heritage Month comes to an end this week, we should celebrate the contributions and successes of Hispanic Americans year-round. While Democrats are trying to redefine and distort the United States, we must come together to defend our freedom and democracy, something that many Hispanics have lost in their home countries. This Hispanic Heritage Month we celebrate the generosity, opportunities, kindness and above all the freedoms of this great nation.


Earlier this year the NRSC released a Hispanic Battleground Survey. The poll found that Hispanic voters largely reject the pillars of the Democrats. As the Hispanic share of the electorate increases, Democrats’ margin of victory among Hispanic voters has decreased. Hispanic voters are becoming Republican. It’s happening right now, and there is no stopping it. This isn’t something we are hoping for, this is something that is in process.

Click here to view the NRSC’s Hispanic Battleground Survey

Author: Press Release


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