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A new Yahoo News/YouGov Poll is out and it is full of horrible news for Democrats:

  • 70% of Americans say the economy is either “poor” or “fair.”
  • Inflation is the #1 issue facing America according to respondents.
  • Respondents believe Republicans can do a better job fixing inflation.
  • 62% believe President Biden deserves “some” or “a great deal” of the blame for inflation.
  • By a 10-point margin, respondents believe Biden deserves “the most blame” for inflation.

If these numbers hold or remain anywhere in the ballpark on Election Day, it will spell doom for Democrats up and down the ballot.

The fact is that Americans are struggling with the rapid rise in the cost of living.  They look at Washington and all they see is more spending and more taxes, making the problem worse.  Meanwhile, Democrats have yet to come up with a message or strategy to combat the obvious: They are failing.

Statement from NRSC Spokesman T.W. Arrighi: “The Democrats are staring a massive defeat in the face and have no plan to fix the mess they’ve made.  As poll numbers continue to decline, Democrats in the Senate plan to revisit the tax-and-spend plans they weren’t able to ram through Congress months ago.  It’s yet another failed strategy which will help Republicans.”

Author: Press Release


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