October is “Respect Life Month,” according to an email sent by the Iowa Catholic Conference. As such, the Iowa Catholic Conference included a section in its newest email highlighting “threats to human life and dignity.”
First up? Temporary Protected Status for more than 200,000 individuals living legally in the United States. Earlier this week the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals allowed the Trump Administration’s attempt to terminate Temporary Protected Status for those 200,000-plus individuals.
The decision, the email says, continues a “heartbreaking path of uncertainty and fear.”
Next? Immigrants as essential workers.
Third? Death Penalty. A statement to President Trump and Attorney General Barr to “stop these executions.”
Fourth? Assisted suicide.
Finally? Abortion.
How is the intentional killing of an unborn baby on par with any of these other four issues? Obviously, euthanasia is a horrible thing and wrong, but those individuals at least got their chance to live life.
In the past decade or so, liberals have worked to make the “pro-life” issue much more than abortion. Why are we accepting their terms?
Granted I’ll never have to worry about Temporary Protected Status, I find it hard to believe it is anywhere near a “heartbreaking path of uncertainty and fear” when compared to abortion.
I’ve said it in the past and I’ll say it again. Perhaps I disagree with others on illegal immigration. They may want amnesty for illegal immigrants. I may want illegal immigrants to face justice.
But I’m glad those illegal immigrants are alive and here to put a face on the issue. There are at least 60 million unborn babies who were never given that same chance at life to put a face on the abortion issue.
I get the sense that if millions of illegal immigrants were having their spines snipped every year and being intentionally murdered in the name of health care, our liberal friends would be out in the streets demanding action — and we’d be right there with them.
We know what abortion is. We know it is wrong. We know it is evil. We know it is an affront to our Creator.
Let’s stop putting other issues on “equal footing” because they aren’t. Until it is legal in America for doctors to kill illegal immigrants, it isn’t.
Make sure priority is given where priority is due.
Nothing should be more of a priority for Christians in America than seeing that every unborn baby in the country truly has its right to life honored.