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On Monday, Rep. Lauren Boebert was joined by 18 of her colleagues in introducing the No Taxpayer Funded Lawyers for Illegal Aliens Act, which would prohibit taxpayer dollars from being funneled to illegal aliens for legal services and lawyers to help them stay in the United States and avoid deportation after breaking our immigration laws.

Rep. Lauren Boebert stated, “Democrats want to treat border detention facilities like an Oprah Winfrey show. You get free education, a free plane ticket, free medical care, free housing, free food, and a free lawyer to avoid the consequences of breaking the law. The American people are tired of America last policies where they are being put behind illegal immigrants and footing the bill for freebies. The law clearly states that illegal aliens facing deportation do not have the right to a free attorney. Open-border extremists shouldn’t be funneling taxpayer dollars through NGO’s to circumvent the law. It’s called America First.”

Rep. Scott Perry said, “Whether its donating to bail out domestic abusers, or using taxpayer funds to help illegal aliens break the law, the Biden Administration made it abundantly clear that law-abiding Americans must be treated as second-class citizens. Unacceptable, and it must end now.”

Rep. Mary Miller stated, “Taxpayer dollars should never be given to people intentionally breaking our laws and illegally entering our country. We must put the safety of American citizens first.”

Rep. Mo Brooks said, “Non-profit entities and the Biden Administration brazenly use taxpayer dollars for lawyers for illegal aliens to abuse American laws and courts and avoid the deportation they deserve.  This heinous misuse of tax dollars to undermine the Rule of Law is emblematic of the Biden Administration’s extremely harmful policy of importing as many illegal aliens as they can as quickly as they can. I support doing whatever is necessary to see that no taxpayer funds go to lawyers for illegal aliens, and I thank Congresswoman Boebert for her leadership on this issue.”

Rep. Louie Gohmert stated, “The Biden Administration is once again caught red-handed in their scheme to secretly aid and abet illegal immigration, cheat American taxpayers out of their hard-earned money, weaken our national security, and destroy the fabric of our nation. The people need leadership that will put American health and safety first. This bill helps get our priorities straight.”

Rep. Paul Gosar said, “From airline and bus tickets, to payouts, hotel rooms, promises of amnesty and tax-payer funded lawyers, Joe Biden has done everything he possibly can to bring lawbreakers into our country through our southern border.  Providing lawyers to the invading hordes of lawbreakers in nonsensical and this lunacy must end. I am proud to cosponsor this legislation that puts a stop to taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal immigrants.”

Dale L. Wilcox, Executive Director and General Counsel of the Immigration Reform Law Institute stated, “This investigation brings to light a problem that is plaguing our country. Illegal aliens are not entitled to legal services at federal government expense for civil actions, and the majority of Americans want greater immigration enforcement. Yet, progressive local politicians and anti-borders activists have found a way to go around the law and stick taxpayers with the bill to help keep aliens in the country. This should not be allowed to take place.”

Rosemary Jenks, Director of Government Relations, NumbersUSA said, “NumbersUSA applauds Congresswoman Boebert for introducing the No Taxpayer Funded Lawyers for Illegal Aliens Act. Hard working American taxpayers should be able to expect that their tax dollars are being used to enforce our immigration laws and keep our communities safe. It is an affront to the rule of law to instead use that money to fund legal services for illegal aliens who have violated our laws.”

RJ Hauman, Head of Government Relations and Communications at the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) stated, “Providing taxpayer-funded legal representation to illegal aliens is an insult to every law-abiding American citizen and legal resident. Not only are numerous city and county governments providing free legal representation to illegal aliens fighting deportation orders, countless NGOs who are bankrolled by the federal government are using taxpayer funds to prolong the border crisis and prevent illegal aliens from being deported. Congresswoman Boebert’s legislation seeks to properly address this and we’re thrilled to support her effort.”

Author: Press Release


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