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Congressman Bob Good (VA-05) introduced the No Taxpayer Funding for the Green Climate Fund Act to block President Biden’s pledge of $1 Billion from going to the United Nations’ Green Climate Fund while also prohibiting future U.S. contributions to the fund.

“Nothing has done more in the history of the world to lift people out of poverty than access to affordable and abundant energy. Domestic energy production has helped make America great, but President Biden has consistently ceded our energy independence in the name of the radical green agenda here at home and at the United Nations,” said Congressman Good. “My legislation will block Biden’s efforts to use American taxpayer dollars to push climate alarmism overseas. We should make every effort to enable drilling and unleash energy production in the U.S. by stewarding the vast resources of our great country.”

“Citizens for Renewing America is proud to support Rep. Good’s ‘No Taxpayer Funding for the Green Climate Fund Act.’ Funding the UN’s corrupt cabal of climate alarmists is not the responsibility of American taxpayers.” – Wade Miller, Citizens for Renewing America

Read more exclusively on Fox Digital.

Co-sponsors (2): Scott Perry (PA-10), Ralph Norman (SC-05)

Groups (1): Citizens for Renewing America

Author: Press Release


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