Medicine must always be administered with Informed Consent of the Patient and adherence to Good Clinical Practice.
Failure to obtain Informed Consent is among the most egregious violations of human rights.
Respect for personal freedom is enshrined in our constitutional government. Our nation’s Declaration of Independence says that it’s government’s role to protect the God-given liberty of the people.
The World Medical Association’s Declaration of Geneva instructs physicians to pledge, “I will respect the autonomy and dignity of my patient.”
The first tenet of the Nuremberg Code is also arguably applicable, explicitly stating the a human being’s voluntary consent to a medical procedure is “absolutely essential”.
Presently, Iowa Code 135.144 (6) and 139A.8 (4)b allows for the mandatory vaccination of individuals in the event of a declared health emergency, such as COVID-19.
Mandatory vaccination is an unconscionable violation of bodily autonomy and human dignity
Iowa law must change to conform to these prevailing international standards and to protect the rights and liberties of the people.
The concept of Informed Consent of Patients must be codified in Iowa to adhere to our State’s motto: “Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain.”
Whereas: Medicine must always be administered with Informed Consent of the Patient;
Whereas: Failure to obtain the informed consent of a patient is an egregious violation of human rights;
Whereas: Iowa code 135.144 presently allows mandatory vaccination orders;
Whereas: Prevailing international standards of human rights, Constitutional liberties, and medical ethics recognize an individual’s bodily autonomy and inherent human dignity;
Therefore Be it Resolved: Iowa Representatives and Senators must re-write code to preserve human rights and medical ethics at all times, by removing the power for mandatory vaccinations, enshrining the spirit of our state’s motto for future generations.