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By Joey Chester

New York City is in the midst of a violent migrant crime wave. According to a recent report by the New York Post, illegal aliens account for up to 75 percent of the arrests in Midtown alone, many for violent crimes like assault, robbery, and domestic violence. This staggering figure sheds light on the real consequences of reckless open-borders policies and sanctuary city laws.

Across New York City, illegal aliens are overwhelming the justice system. Under the Biden-Harris administration, the city has experienced an unprecedented surge in migrants. The Post report asserts that on any given day, court dockets are filled with cases of illegal aliens accused of crimes—cases that could have been avoided if this administration had maintained control over our borders.

In Queens, it’s no better, with more than 60 percent of violent crime arrests linked to illegal aliens. The situation has reached a point where officers have to call in extra Spanish interpreters, adding yet another fiscal burden on already stretched taxpayers.

These shocking statistics directly refute the open-borders narrative, which claims that illegal aliens don’t commit crimes at a higher rate than American citizens. In reality, as this report demonstrates, illegal aliens in New York City are disproportionately responsible for violent crime.

A closer look at the situation is even more alarming. In just two weeks, three illegal aliens were arrested for sex crimes. Other cases in the last few years include shooting NYPD officers, beating officers, rapes, thefts from outdoor diners, domestic violence, and gang activity. These are not one-off incidents but rather a pattern enabled by lax immigration enforcement and New York’s sanctuary city laws.

New York City has created the perfect storm for illegal alien crime. First, the city’s taxpayer-funded shelters draw illegal aliens in droves. Second, its sanctuary laws prevent local law enforcement from cooperating with ICE, even when they suspect someone is in the country illegally. Finally, the city’s soft-on-crime bail guidelines allow these offenders to walk free shortly after their arrests, emboldening them to re-offend without fear of consequences.

The ultimate blame lies with the Biden-Harris administration, whose open-borders policies have unleashed chaos across the country. From day one, this administration has opened our borders through catch-and-release, the illegal and fraud-ridden CHNV parole system, and the CBP One app,which allows migrants to make appointments to stroll into the country.

And that’s what makes this situation so infuriating. These crimes didn’t have to happen. Neighborhoods didn’t have to deteriorate. Residents didn’t have to fear for their safety. The police and court systems didn’t have to be overwhelmed, and taxpayers didn’t have to foot the bill for the shelters housing illegal aliens. Most importantly, the innocent victims of these crimes didn’t have to suffer.

Will these statistics finally prompt sanctuary city leaders to change course? Will they wake up to the reality of what their policies have wrought? Sadly, probably not. New York City Mayor Eric Adams administration admitted that illegal aliens accused of crimes are still allowed to stay in taxpayer-funded shelters. It also confirmed the city is not tracking the arrests of illegal aliens. Adams has called for changes to the city’s sanctuary policies (although not outright repeal), but has thus far been rebuffed by the City Council. Will these staggering crime stats force President Biden and Vice President Harris to end the border crisis they created? Unfortunately, the answer is also likely no.

The United States has seen record-breaking numbers of border crossings under Biden and Harris. Crossings remain history high, and America is on track for the second-worst year of illegal immigration in U.S. history. That means Americans will continue to bear both the financial and human costs of the Biden-Harris-caused border disaster.

Author: FAIR


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