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“Cory Booker comes to the Hawkeye State with plans to put their economy and families’ financial well-being at risk. With policies like the Green New Deal and government-run health care guaranteeing astronomically high taxes and job-killing regulations, Iowa families will have no choice but to run in the opposite direction of Booker’s campaign.” – RNC Spokesperson Preya Samsundar
- According to the Tax Policy Center, the $93 trillion Green New Deal would be “bigger, perhaps, than anything the US has undertaken since World War II.”
- When asked how he plans to sell a tax hike needed to pay for the policies he’s running on, Cory Booker said Americans wouldn’t “mind paying higher taxes.”
- Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley gave a glimpse at life under the Green New Deal by saying, ““But it’s [Green New Deal] really a jumble of half-cocked policies that will dampen economic growth and will hurt jobs.”
- Last month, Booker joined his colleagues in supporting Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan to the Senate.