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Back In 2017 The New York Times Stated: “Representative Jerry Nadler Has A Bold Pitch To Take Over The Top Democratic Spot On The House Judiciary Committee” In An Effort To Lead Impeachment Proceedings Against President Trump. “Representative Jerrold Nadler of New York has a bold pitch to take over the top Democratic spot on the House Judiciary Committee — that he is best positioned to lead impeachment proceedings against President Trump.” (The New York Times, 12/18/17)

On January 16, 2017, Rep. Nadler Stated That Trump Is Not A Legitimate President. “I will not go to the inauguration on Friday. I cannot go because of the president-election’s inflammatory comments, his racist campaign, his conflicts of interest, refusal to disclose his taxes, and the last straw was his ad hominem personal attacks on an icon of the Civil Rights movement, someone who suffered beatings and almost gave his life for this country, John Lewis… That the president-elect, although legally elected, is not legitimate, for all the reasons I said.” (RealClear Politics, 01/16/17)

Back In April 2017, Rep. Nadler Called Donald Trump A Fascist At A Town Hall In New York. “Congressman Jerrold Nadler labeled President Donald Trump ‘a fascist’ at a town hall on the Upper West Side last night—even as he seemed to advise those in attendance to avoid using that freighted term whenever possible.” (Observer, 04/14/17)

On May 17, 2017, Rep. Nadler Stated That The House Judiciary Should Hold An Impeachment Inquiry Into The President. “@HouseJudiciary should hold inquiry into obstruction of justice by Trump — impeachment a possibility, inquiry must prove reports true.” (Twitter Feed, 05/17/19)

On February 24, 2019, Rep. Nadler Said He Viewed The President As The Greatest Threat To Our Democracy Since The Civil War. “‘I view this president and his conduct as the greatest threat to the democratic system and to the constitutional government since the Civil War,’ Nadler, who represents New York and serves as the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said in an interview on AM 970 in New York on Sunday” (Newsweek, 02/24/19)

On May 30, 2019, Rep. Nadler Stated That There Is A Justification For Launching An Impeachment Inquiry. “House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler said on Friday that there “certainly is” justification for launching impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, but cautioned that the public first must agree that it’s warranted.” (Politico, 05/31/19)

On July 28, 2019, Rep. Nadler Stated, “Trump Richly Deserves Impeachment.” “’My personal view is that [Trump] richly deserves impeachment,’ House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler says. Nadler calls the Mueller hearing an ‘inflection point,’ saying that ‘we now have to get further evidence…as we consider articles of impeachment.’” (Twitter Feed, 07/28/19)

Author: Press Release


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