SEN. MCCONNELL: Senate Republicans target student loan socialism

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U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding student loans:

“This week, the Senate will have yet another opportunity to pump the brakes on Washington overreach using the Congressional Review Act.

“This time, we’re up against an especially ridiculous example of left-wing spending fantasy from the Biden Administration – student loan socialism.

“For years, higher education in this country has been a choice.

“Some American families choose to cash in hard work and diligent savings to earn a college degree. Some even volunteer for military service with the promise of tuition assistance.

“And millions of others choose to avoid taking on extra debt and to pursue their careers without going to college.

“It’s a choice that families got to make for themselves. But on President Biden’s watch, Washington Democrats have decided to try and take this choice away. The way the Biden Administration sees it, working Americans should foot the bill for advanced degrees whether they choose to pursue them or not.

“The Administration’s outrageous plan would shift hundreds of billions of dollars in debt from the doctors, lawyers, and other high-earning professionals who chose to incur it onto American taxpayers who wanted nothing to do with it.

“We’re talking about the highest-educated Americans. Folks who already take in higher salaries on average. Apparently, Democrats have surveyed the devastation of their reckless spending and runaway inflation and decided that these are the people who need their help the most.

“For the party behind a long list of egregious and pandering giveaways, student loan socialism just might take the cake. And the Supreme Court is deciding right now whether the whole thing is actually downright illegal!

“But this week, thanks to the leadership of Ranking Member Cassidy of the HELP Committee, along with Senator Cornyn and Senator Ernst, the Senate has a chance to intervene and stop this madness.

“Their resolution would overturn the Biden Administration’s attempt to pad the pockets of elite professionals with taxpayer dollars. I would urge each of our colleagues to support it.”


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