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Last May I wrote my newsletter on how I would evaluate the presidential candidates. It has been quite a process to make a decision but I have decided to support Vivek Ramaswamy for President.

Nearly all the presidential candidates declared themselves fiscally conservative, pro-tax cuts, pro-life, pro-economic growth, pro-energy independence, pro-secure-the-border, America-first foreign policy, pro-military, strong supporters of constitutional rights as well as parental rights and opposed to the CRT, ESG, and LGBT agendas and the pandemic lockdowns.

But as the months went on, they began to differentiate themselves on some of these issues and others:

  1. Pro-Life: On the most important moral issue of our time, as slavery was in the 1800’s, none of the candidates to my knowledge took a strong stance on advocating for federal legislation as I would like to see. They mostly seemed to want to support a state-by-state approach to pro-life issues. This was disappointing to me. Especially President Trump, who had done so much to advance the pro-life cause while in office, but called the heartbeat bill “a terrible mistake”, thus appearing to shift his position. However, Vivek and Gov. DeSantis expressed support for the heartbeat bill while Gov. Haley’s pro-life stance seemed to erode as the campaign went on.
  2. Election Integrity: Vivek and President Trump both communicated clearly, each in his own way, their belief that the 2020 presidential election was full of so many irregularities and so many substantial questions that were raised to indicate there was in all likelihood enough fraud in the election processes and practices used in the battleground states in particular to throw the election. This is truth that has been dissed by many elected officials and the mainstream media but needs to be taken seriously by more of the public. A president needs to use the bully pulpit to bring pressure on states to clean up their act, because they haven’t done enough yet. No other candidate to my knowledge took this important stance.
  3. Private Property Rights: Vivek is the only major presidential candidate to come out in strong support of farmers and landowners facing the threat of eminent domain being used by a large and powerful company, Summit Carbon, to seize their land in the form of easements for a private use:  to build a pipeline to take carbon dioxide from ethanol plants, liquify it, and transport it to North Dakota for underground storage. Summit will receive billions of federal government Green New Deal taxpayer dollars for this project. How strongly we uphold the 5th Amendment constitutional protections of our private property rights will affect the entire country. The federal and state constitutions as well as state law specify the power of eminent domain can only be granted for public use projects. This is a national issue.
  4. Other differentiating issues:
    1. Vivek and President Trump are the only candidates to my knowledge that are willing to speak the truth about the events of Jan. 6th, 2021 and the injustices committed by the government against so many of those imprisoned.
    2. Vivek is the only candidate to my knowledge that has said he will call on Congress to repeal the liability protections enjoyed by pharmaceutical companies to produce vaccines. This immunity paved the way for what investigations now have shown to be the questionable safety and effectiveness of the COVID vaccines. No accountability leads to poor products.
    3. Vivek and President Trump both clearly oppose policies based on man-made climate change beliefs with Vivek going further, declaring climate change a “religion” and a “hoax”, which is absolutely true.

Vivek speaks the truth in very clear terms:

  1. God is real.
  2. There are two genders.
  3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.
  4. Reverse racism is racism.
  5. An open border is no border.
  6. Parents determine the education of their children.
  7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
  8. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.
  9. There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.
  10. The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.

I like that. It’s not really that complicated.

I have not discussed personality or character traits in this evaluation as all candidates, like ourselves, have faults and failings, perhaps some more than others and all need God’s help. I have sought to keep my evaluation to the public policy proposals and the stance on protecting constitutional rights.

Some have raised concern about the fact that Vivek’s faith is Hindu but it is very apparent that the many policy positions he holds as well as his strong adherence to the U.S. Constitution are based on a Christian worldview, which I believe yields the best public policies.

I believe that as a business builder, Vivek has the ability, the energy and the drive to take on and root out the deep state, a job that President Trump began but was unable to finish. This job absolutely must be done to ensure the survival and flourishing of the experiment in liberty known as America.

Author: Sandy Salmon


  1. Excellent recap of what is being offered. Hard to believe more people are not noticing that his policies actually seem to care about Iowans, as well as the rest of America.


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