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Today’s news is horribly pedantic. Most of us understand that our media is propaganda, a mirage. Our leaders are “playing the game” and our institutions are led by people who are following a higher power that has nothing to do with God. Our illusions have been destroyed, our sure-footed steps into the future overtaken by sneaky black ice.

I have been learning about the reality of our society in bits and pieces. Yet almost two years ago a series of videos were published that endeavor to tell the story of the fall of our world from the beginning. These videos are called the Fall of the Cabal. After you see them your world will never sit right again. They have been largely scrubbed from the internet yet can be found still on Bitchute and Rumble. These videos offer both well-researched, compelling evidence. The editors urge you to do your own research which is a good indication of truth.

Our world has been ruled by money, power, lies, trickery and bloodshed since time began. Learn about the reality of who owns the Federal Reserve, who the secret societies are, how a handful of powerful global families control our world and how slavery is still alive and well, indeed bigger than ever. Child sex trafficking is rampant, more rampant than most people want to know.

Lawmakers and “leaders” that don’t know this information are useless. Ones who don’t believe it at all are questionable. Ones that do know of it yet say nothing are twisted and selfish or worse, they are culpable. In fact, any lawmaker that still holds their seat is obviously no threat to the Global Cabal. Look what they did to our President Trump. He was a threat to them. If they want you out, they get you out.

Do you want a better world? Then wake up, wake up, wake up. Pay attention! Tell your friends, tell your neighbors. Wake up. Our leaders are a product of the American people’s choices. Evil of all kinds dwells within the hearts of men (and women!). Abolish evil by speaking up. Change your perspective, change your heart, change the world.

Author: Janna Swanson

Janna Swanson helps her husband Paul farm in NW Iowa with their two young daughters. Since 2013 Janna has volunteered her time and energy for her community. She was a key member of the Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance that protected landowners from the Rock Island Clean Line. From there she helped start and facilitated the grassroots group, The Coalition for Rural Property Rights to help protect community members from industrial wind installations. She is also a board member of National Wind Watch, a 25-year online collection of information of the industrial wind opposition from around the world. Most importantly Janna is a follower of Christ and seeks to help others to know and understand Him. Yet because she is also seeking deepening her own knowledge and understanding she welcomes critical, constructive debate. No one has the corner on truth, we all see “through a glass, darkly”. (I Corinthians 13:12)

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Janna Swanson
Janna Swanson helps her husband Paul farm in NW Iowa with their two young daughters. Since 2013 Janna has volunteered her time and energy for her community. She was a key member of the Preservation of Rural Iowa Alliance that protected landowners from the Rock Island Clean Line. From there she helped start and facilitated the grassroots group, The Coalition for Rural Property Rights to help protect community members from industrial wind installations. She is also a board member of National Wind Watch, a 25-year online collection of information of the industrial wind opposition from around the world. Most importantly Janna is a follower of Christ and seeks to help others to know and understand Him. Yet because she is also seeking deepening her own knowledge and understanding she welcomes critical, constructive debate. No one has the corner on truth, we all see “through a glass, darkly”. (I Corinthians 13:12)


  1. I am awake. I see the Evil. I have met the enemy and it is mind altering drugs in the workplace. Just Say No was a great idea, but hard to enforce without Random Drug Testing…


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