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Vote spikes in key swing states may never be fully understood, or believed, by a significant portion of the American population.

The reality is that, when polls closed on Nov. 3, President Donald J. Trump led by about 100,000 votes in Wisconsin, 300,000 votes in Michigan and nearly 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania.

But after polls closed, Joe Biden received a spike in Pennsylvania of around 600,000 votes while Trump received just 3,200.

At 3:50 a.m. (ET), Biden received 54,497 votes to Trump’s 4,718 in Michigan. As of 6:31 a.m., Biden’s spike was 141,258 votes. Trump had garnered 5,968.

At 3:42 a.m. (CT), Biden’s spike in Wisconsin was 143,379 votes. Trump had 25,163.

And in Georgia, at 1:34 a.m. (ET), Biden picked up 136,155 votes while Trump collected 29,115.

According to Liberty Counsel, the spikes are “statistically impossible.”

“Even more suspiciously, these spikes happened just after a concerted effort across each of the states to kick out every single Republican poll observer from these ballot processing areas. The unobserved times lead up to when these spikes were reported,” wrote Liberty Counsel Action chairman Mat Staver.

The Texas lawsuit filed at the United States Supreme Court on Tuesday targets Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia.

The suit states that only the state legislature can certify an election and that right cannot be taken away nor abdicated. Legislatures are not dependent upon governors to call a special session to judge an election. The states failed to properly follow their own election laws and did not fairly apply their voting standards to citizens within the states.

Liberty Counsel Action says the Texas case includes “the most credible and egregious instances of fraud.”

“Texas used the case law from Bush v. Gore in 2000,” Staver wrote. “As you know, I helped litigate and argue several election cases in 2000. This Supreme Court case established the precedent for this lawsuit. The Texas case could throw open the doors for these Republican-controlled legislatures to block these fraudulent election results.”

Liberty Counsel Action is calling on Americans to flood legislators with their voices.

Urge them to have the courage to fight for an accurate and honest election result, and if that cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, to refuse to certify the election results.


Author: Jacob Hall


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