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From Trump campaign:
President Donald J. Trump just wrapped up a one-hour town hall before a fired up crowd in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania — where he laid out the devastation Kamala Harris has unleashed on Americans and his vision for restoring the country to greatness and prosperity once again.
Here are the top MUST WATCH moments you missed:
- President Trump laid bare the consequences of Kamala’s open border on American communities: “Take a look at Aurora in Colorado, where Venezuelans are taking over the whole town … They’re knocking down doors and occupying apartments of people! The people are petrified — and it’s getting worse and worse.”
- President Trump warned about the implications on Pennsylvanians if Kamala is elected: “Pennsylvania cannot even take a chance … If she won, you’re not going to have any fracking in Pennsylvania. You have 500,000 jobs — it’s your biggest business, and you get a big majority of your income from fracking.”
- President Trump recommitted himself to the Forgotten Men and Women of America: “People are being treated horribly in this country … It’s very simple, and it starts with ‘Make America Great Again’ — that’s what we have to do.”
- President Trump highlighted his pro-growth record — and Kamala’s plan for catastrophic tax increases: “I gave you the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country. If you let the Trump Tax Cuts expire — which she wants to do, she wants to terminate them. If you do that, you will suffer the biggest tax increase in history.”
- President Trump slammed Kamala’s proposed Venezuela-style price control scheme: “Every time it’s been tried — over hundreds of years — you end up with no product, you end up with massive inflation, and you end up with the destruction of a country.”
- President Trump outlined the far-reaching implications of unchecked illegal immigration under Kamala: “You won’t have Social Security, you won’t have Medicare, you won’t have anything.”
- The audience resoundingly denied they’re better off under Kamala Harris than they were under President Trump: “No!”
We’re looking forward to Kamala’s next unscripted, extemporaneous interv— oh, wait. She’s far too much of an incompetent coward to veer from her teleprompter.
President Trump is fearless — and that’s exactly why voters will send him back to the White House in November.