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 CPAC Foundation’s analysis reveals the radical far-left agenda behind Kamala Harris’ VP pick, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

“The Democrat Party now has the most radical Presidential ticket in the history of modern politics,” said CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp. “Kamala Harris (CPAC Lifetime 4.45%) and Tim Walz (CPAC Lifetime 6.95%) will be a disaster for the prosperity and freedoms Americans deserve.”

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (CPAC Lifetime 6.95%): Gov. Walz’ legislative score is impacted by signing legislation giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, making it easier for individuals to join a permanent absentee ballot list and for making Minnesota a sanctuary state for child sex change surgeries and abortionists. Walz executive action includes establishing a DEI council as his very first executive order and allowing legal liability against child counselors if they do not “affirm” a child’s chosen gender identity. Gov. Walz fiscal score is influenced by growing the state budget by 42% since taking office.

CPAC Foundation’s Ratings of the Governors is designed to consider the full scope of a governors’ record. The methodology is divided into three sections that evaluate different aspects of the governors’ performance. The legislative section focuses on the bills that the governor signs and vetoes and makes up 50% of the score. The Executive Action section focuses on the executive orders issued by the governor and other major activities that the governor engages in and represents 40% of the score. The Fiscal section evaluates the governors’ actions with regard to the state budget and represents 10% of the final score.

Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) received a 6.95%, the lowest of all the contenders on Kamala Harris’ VP shortlist. Gov. Andy Beshear (D-KY) scored a 15.00% and Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-PA) received a 14.60% (all scores out of 100%).

The Center for Legislative Accountability (CLA), an initiative of the CPAC Foundation, is the premier organization for holding lawmakers accountable. CPAC Foundation produces the longest-running conservative congressional scorecard and is the only organization in the nation that scores all 8,000 lawmakers in the 50 states across every policy area. CPAC Foundation’s Ratings are widely considered the “gold standard” and are utilized by activists, voters, academics and elected officials to determine which lawmakers best adhere to conservative principles.

Author: Press Release


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