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Eric Trump put forth a confident message during a Wednesday press call, hours before the House voted to impeach President Donald Trump. The biggest news from the call was a recent three-hour fundraising effort from a week ago.
Trump said the goal was to raise $2 million. Three hours later, $8.1 million was raised. In the last 60 days, 600,000 new donors have contributed. Those 600,000 new donors had never contributed to Republicans or Democrats.
“Every one of them said I can’t believe what’s happening in Washington,” Trump said. “We are raising more money right now than we know what to do with off of this impeachment nonsense. People are coming out of the woodwork who have never contributed before.
“People in this country are pissed off. They are unhappy, they don’t like these people in Washington, they do not relate to Nancy Pelosi or Eric Swalwell. They do not think impeachment should be happening, they do not believe it should be happening in an election year and this is backfiring on them.”
Trump talked extensively about Democrats who are representing congressional districts that Trump won in 2016.
“They’ve been absolutely hiding,” he said. “They are going back to their districts and they are getting bombarded by people who are saying that this is a sham and that the American People see through this because they do.”
Trump said he has spent plenty of time in swing states and out on the road.
“People are universally pissed off by what is happening,” Trump said. “They do not believe it’s what should be happening in Washington D.C.”
Instead, voters believe it should be up to the People to decide in the election in 11 months.
“They see a country that has never done better,” Trump said. “The stock market is up again today. We’ve broken all sorts of records. Our country is doing phenomenally well. These people in those 29 districts won’t even show their faces today because they know they’re being forced by Nancy Pelosi to vote for something that their district doesn’t approve of and they’re hiding out because of it.”
Recent polling also has the Trump campaign confident. A USA Today poll showed Trump beating every candidate in the Democrat field.
“The Democrats know they cannot win,” Trump said. “Which is exactly why they’re doing this. If they thought they could win, they wouldn’t do it. They would try to beat him at the polls in 11 months. They know they can’t win. The economy is too good, our country is too strong and their candidates, quite frankly, are lousy.”
Trump said he doesn’t envision one Republican in the Senate breaking to vote for impeachment. Democrats will need a two-thirds majority to remove Trump from office.
“Nancy Pelosi is not only losing the voter game and not only losing the poll game, she’s going to lose the ultimate battle,” Trump said. “This is a huge waste of time and money perpetrated by the Democrats.”
The Iowa Standard is a free online news source so we can reach as many people as possible. But we need to raise money! We are asking our readers to help support us as a news alternative entering 2020. If you could, please consider showing a sign of support to The Iowa Standard by making a contribution here. Or, you can use Venmo and make a contribution to @Iowa-Standard-2018.
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